Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
1 day ago, Juniper Elementary
Due to the expected weather conditions and extremely cold temperatures tomorrow in Oak Glen/Yucaipa, 5th Grade felt the safest choice was to reschedule our Riley's Farm field trip for Tuesday, April 22nd. Thank you all for understanding. Debido a las condiciones climáticas esperadas y las temperaturas extremadamente frías mañana en Oak Glen/Yucaipa, 5to grado sintió que la opción más segura era reprogramar nuestra excursión a Riley's Farm para el martes 22 de abril. Gracias a todos por entender.
1 day ago, Juniper Elementary
There is a PTC meeting is today at 3:00 in the library. If you would like to get involved with our school please come to our meeting. Also, don't forget about our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser tonight from 3-9. please come out to support our school. Hay una reunión del PTC hoy a las 3:00 en la biblioteca. Si desea participar en nuestra escuela, venga a nuestra reunión. Además, no se olvide de nuestra recaudación de fondos en Texas Roadhouse esta noche del 3 al 9. por favor venga a apoyar nuestra escuela.
1 day ago, Juniper Elementary
The CDPH will be holding immunization clinics at the HUSD District office on 03/07, 04/04, 04/30, and 5/16. For more info see attached flyers. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
6 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Spanish Flyer
English Flyer
With the purchase of every ticket, you help us raise funds for our Cheer/Spirit Squads along with you being a part of all the fun that comes with cheering for our team at this special event. With Star Wars Night, we encourage you to dress up as your favorite Star Wars character. Our Cheer/Spirit Squads will be performing during the pregame! With each ticket sold, we have an opportunity to pack the house with Hesperia families. Come support our Hesperia Cheer/Spirit squads and our Ontario Reign. Every ticket counts, let’s do this Hesperia. Let’s show up in full FORCE for our student athletes and have an unforgettable night! Let’s GO Hesperia! Clink the link https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Hesperiausdcheer
7 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Ontario Reign Star Wars Night graphic
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
8 days ago, Juniper Elementary
We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
8 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher fair graphic
HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to offer fun activities, enrichment and care during the upcoming spring break, March 24-28th. The program is free for HUSD elementary students and transportation is available. For more information, see the attached flyer or visit thinktogether.org/enroll to sign up today! Registration is required.
10 days ago, Hesperia Unified
tt spring break flyer english
tt spring break flyer span
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
22 days ago, Juniper Elementary
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
29 days ago, Juniper Elementary
There will be a PTC meeting today at 3:00 in the library. If you would like to get involved in your child's school please come to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you. #OURJuniper Habrá una reunión del PTC hoy a las 3:00 en la biblioteca. Si desea participar en la escuela de su hijo, asista a la reunión. Esperamos verte. #NUESTROJuniper
29 days ago, Juniper Elementary
Juniper Parents, if your child rides bus 11 and gets on and off at Pecan/Live Oak, that stop will be closed on Monday Feb 3rd. You will need to use Peach/Yucca ( pick up time 8:50 am/drop off 3:58 pm) or Timberlane/Willow (pick up 8:42 a.m/drop off 3:51) for that day only. Thank you Padres de Juniper, si su hijo toma el autobús 11 y sube y baja en Pecan/Live Oak, esa parada estará cerrada el lunes 3 de febrero. Tendrá que usar Peach/Yucca (hora de recogida a las 8:50 a. m./hora de regreso a las 3:58 p. m.) o Timberlane/Willow (hora de recogida a las 8:42 a. m./entrega a las 3:51) solo para ese día. Gracias
about 1 month ago, Juniper Elementary
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 month ago, Juniper Elementary
Juniper Parents, we are getting complaints about cars that are cutting other cars in the drive thru lane. Please be respectful of cars that have been waiting in line and make sure you are pulling up all the way. Thank you #OURJuniper Padres de Juniper, estamos recibiendo quejas sobre automóviles que cortan a otros automóviles en el carril de acceso directo. Sea respetuoso con los automóviles que han estado esperando en la fila y asegúrese de detenerse por completo. Gracias #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 month ago, Juniper Elementary
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 month ago, Juniper Elementary
Good Afternoon Juniper Parents, this is just a reminder that Monday is a holiday and there will be no school. Enjoy your 3 day weekend and we will see you back on Tuesday. #OURJuniper Buenas tardes, padres de Juniper, esto es sólo un recordatorio de que el lunes es feriado y no habrá clases. Disfrute de su fin de semana de 3 días y nos vemos el martes. #NUESTROJuniper
about 2 months ago, Juniper Elementary
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
about 2 months ago, Juniper Elementary
Just a reminder that our Raising Canes fundraiser is tonight from 4-9. Please come out and support Juniper. Thank you #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que nuestra recaudación de fondos Raising Canes es esta noche del 4 al 9. Por favor, sal y apoya a Juniper. Gracias #NUESTROJuniper
about 2 months ago, Juniper Elementary
Hello Juniper Parents, this is just friendly reminder that today is early dismissal. School gets out at 2:31. #OURJuniper Hola padres de Juniper, este es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy es salida temprana. La escuela termina a las 2:31. #NUESTROJuniper
about 2 months ago, Juniper Elementary
Good morning Juniper Parents, just an FYI that our PTC meeting that was scheduled for today will be postponed to a later date, to be announced. Thank you. Buenos dias padres de Juniper, la junta de PTC de hoy se ha pospuesto para otra fecha, después se anunciara. Gracias
about 2 months ago, Juniper Elementary