Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Juniper Parents, PTC is still selling spiritwear. If you are interested in purchasing, there are order forms in the office. #OURJuniper Juniper Parents, PTC todavía vende ropa espiritual. Si está interesado en comprar, hay formularios de pedido en la oficina. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Reminder: Today is our Coffee with our New Liaison meeting at 9:30 am. Starbucks coffee & donuts will be provided. See you there! Recordatorio: Hoy será nuestra junta Café con nuestra Nueva Enlace a las 9:30 am. Habra cafe Starbucks y donas. Nos vemos ayi!
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Reminder: Today is our Coffee with our New Liaison meeting at 9:30 am. Starbucks coffee & donuts will be provided. See you there! Recordatorio: Hoy será nuestra junta Café con nuestra Nueva Enlace a las 9:30 am. Habra cafe Starbucks y donas. Nos vemos ayi!
about 1 year ago, Amelia Medina
Juniper Parents, just a reminder that if your child is sick please keep them home. if you need to clear absences for your child you can email Mrs. Bridget at bridget.fisher@hesperiausd.org. Thank you #OURJuniper Padres de Juniper, solo un recordatorio de que si su hijo está enfermo, manténgalo en casa. Si necesita aclarar las ausencias de su hijo, puede enviar un correo electrónico a la Sra. Bridget a bridget.fisher@hesperiausd.org. Gracias #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
6th grade parents of students on the field trip...the buses will be returning around 7:00 p.m. Padres de estudiantes de sexto grado en la excursión... los autobuses regresarán alrededor de las 7:00 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
HUSD will be closed in olbservance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, January 15th 2024 and reopen Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
graphic for mlk jr. day
Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
If you would like to become involved witht he parent club please join us for a PTC meeting tomorrow in the library at 3:00p.m. #OURJuniper Si desea participar en el club de padres, únase a nosotros en una reunión del PTC mañana en la biblioteca a las 3:00 p. m. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Juniper parents today is a regular school day. School gets out at 3:27. #OurJuniper Padres de Juniper hoy es un día escolar normal. La escuela termina a las 3:27. #NuestroEnebro
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Check out our Parent Newsletter for January #OURJuniper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vhMrj96N1DrEGLcVC3gBoYMReM-ncHp4/view?usp=sharing Vean nuestro Boletín Informativo de Enero #OURJuniper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pt0oXhwKDwu-A85NTbxqfh5J_1c2HGuU/view?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Amelia Medina
Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
HUSD will be closed for Winter Break. Schools and the district office will be closed starting Monday, December 25th 2023 and reopen Monday, January 8, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Winter Break announcement
The Jolly Parade honoring first responders is coming Friday, December 15th starting at Ranchero Middle School and from there going to Cedar and Hesperia Junior High. Come out and join the community for photos with Santa, free candy, and lots more!.
about 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer
Juniper Parents, just a reminder that you can pick up your See's candy order today from 2:30 to 4:00 Padres de Juniper, solo un recordatorio de que pueden recoger su pedido de dulces See's hoy de 2:30 a 4:00
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Just a reminder that today is early out Wednesday. We get out at 2:31 today. Thank you. #OURJuniper Sólo un recordatorio de que hoy es miércoles temprano. Saldremos hoy a las 2:31. Gracias. #NUESTROJuniper
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Queridas Familias de Juniper, Últimamente, hemos notado un incremento en cambios al modo de transportación y se está convirtiendo muy difícil para nuestro personal mantener un registro de cómo los estudiantes llegan a casa. Les pedimos que si necesitan hacer cambios de como su estudiante se irán a casa, favor de hacerlo antes del 8 de enero de 2024. Después de esa fecha, solo haremos cambios bajo circunstancias especiales. Gracias por su comprensión y que pasen un día maravilloso.
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary
Dear Juniper families, We have noticed an increase in the amount of transportation changes recently, and it is becoming very difficult for our staff to keep track of how students are going home. We are asking that if you need to make any changes to the way your student’s go home, that you do so before January 8, 2023. Beyond that date we will only be making changes for very special circumstances. Thank you for your understanding and have an amazing day.
about 1 year ago, Juniper Elementary